Stephen and Tammy were about to sign on the dotted line with another kitchen supplier when they both realised they were having nagging doubts. “They simply weren’t being proactive. We weren’t blown away by them,” explains Tammy. “So we decided, at the last minute, to see who else we could find locally.”
“We found Ridgeway Kitchens on the internet and decided to drop in,” continues Stephen. “We were already quite clear about what we were looking for. We’d chosen our units and had a layout we were quite happy with. But Darren listened and interpreted what we wanted then sold some new ideas in, in a nice non-aggressive way. “He gave us everything we wanted - balance, symmetry, great use of space - and most importantly, the confidence that we’d found the right people to fit it.
“When you’re going to have builders in your house, you have to be able to get on with them, and be confident they know what they’re doing,” says Stephen. “We got that feeling straight away with Ridgeway. They were willing and thoughtful throughout.
“For example, they took our old kitchen out with great care so we could resell it. And they moved our fridge freezer into the dining room so we could carry on living while they were working. “On one occasion the person who was due to fit our floor tiles had to take sick leave. Carl immediately reassured us that he had an equally good man in mind and that our work wouldn’t be delayed. That evening, the new tiler rang to introduce himself.
“There were so many examples like that; of good manners and consideration. And they kept us involved. We always knew what was going on and everyone arrived when they said they would. “As with any kitchen refit, not everything was right first time but Ridgeway never argued. They just came back and sorted out whatever problems there were.
For more inspiration, visit our portfolio and explore more of our kitchen designs. Ready to get started? Arrange a design consultation with one of our expert designers. Browse our contemporary kitchens in the showroom and chat to one of our team about your plans.